Friday, 10 August 2012

The British Alpaca Championships 2013

A date for the diary:

New for 2013; The British Alpaca Championships 2013 is to be held at the Kendal Auction Mart (just off junction 36 of the M6) on Saturday 6th April 2013. This Colour Championship Show, open to Huacaya and Suris, is to be ran under BAS rules, and includes progeny classes.

Judge: Tim Hey

Show organisers; Barbara Hetherington (, Michael Henderson (, Mary Tollit (

We had a visit from Mike and Mary from Greenside Alpacas yesterday. Amongst other things, we shared out some tasks on the long list of things to do regarding the show. We have the venue, and Tim Hey kindly accepted our invitation to be our first ever judge of the show, but that was the easy bit. I will just say health and safety...thanks for taking that one Mike!

Today was more alpaca chatter, combined with lunch out when Kathryn from Nero Black Alpacas came for a visit. More than half of the yarn that I had processed is away at the weavers, but she was still rather shocked when she saw the amount of boxes I have left. I think I have enough to see us through a winter or two!!

We have had sunshine...whole days of is bliss...the alpacas are loving in and the dust bath is in high demand:

Pebbles with the boys in the bath...don't they all look similar in profile!

Beck Brow Paulo...another little St Patrick wedgy head!


  1. Now I thought that would have been a good show for us to go to - but Carl has just said it is too far to take our alpacas! At first he thought I said just of the M5 - which, apparently, would have been okay! Just have to be me and him as spectators!

  2. Fantastic, it's in the diary.

  3. Great news regarding the new show venue ! The babies look lovely in the sun enjoying those rays.....Jayne

  4. Good to hear about the show, and it'll give you soemthing to do in your 'spare' time!

  5. Well done for organising the show, is it open to all or just Northerners?

    1. Definitely open to all Mark. Thought we would try and get some Southerners to come up north for a change!!
