Friday, 12 October 2012

The DNA kit is ear!

We have been enjoying some lovely weather up North this week...October has been good to us...until yesterday that is; we are now back to heavy rain, and just when I had arranged to get some cria fleece shots taken. I have decided to keep a photographic record of all our cria fleeces at 3-4 months of age, and monitor how they change. We have in the past sold 'pet boys' at a very young age, but this year there are one or two who really could go either boy/stud male? This is making the decision to sell or not to sell difficult. Last year we kept hold of Quintos and his second fleece has come back really well...definitely stud male potential.

I think this year I will just notify all the males with Grassroots, and fully register those who make the stud male grade at a later date. I am pleased to see that BAS are now encouraging DNA testing of stud males, and are trying to improve the accuracy of recorded  parentage. The new notification process (the owner of the stud male get an email informing them of any progeny registered to their male) is an improvement, but still leaves a lot to trust. So practising what I preach, I sent off for the DNA kit for Beck Brow Explorer (our other males have all been DNA tested). The kit only costs £25 + VAT, the problem is collecting the blood. Has anyone taken a blood sample from a vein in the ear? Is it easy to get? I know that I am a nurse but patients don't have fleece!

We have had alpaca visitors most days this week, which has been lovely. However, I really need to do some revision before the next stage of the judge's course which is next week. It will have to wait until Monday now. I am Chief Steward at the YAG show tomorrow, which means I will have to get there bright and early (that means I will be setting the alarm for 4.45am!). On Sunday we are paying a visit to a lovely couple who are just about to start on their alpaca adventure. We are going to look at farm set up...well Paul is, he is the practical one; the engineer. I just like nice fencing!

Some photos of the boys...fleece shots to follow!

Beck Brow Marco...look at those cute ears!

 Beck Brow Foxy Sox (yes she is a girl) same ears but more eye liner!

Beck Brow Advantage (same dam as Beck Brow Explorer)

Beck Brow Paulo (nice fleece!)

Beck Brow Bendrago

 Beck Brow Pedro

Beck Brow Testimony...shares his dam with Quintos and is equally sweet (nice fleece too!)

Missing from the male line up are Domingo and Shackleton...sorry boys missed taking your photo.


  1. Getting the blood from the ear is SOOOO much fun - we did 15 animals with the vet about 4 years ago and it was definitely a learning curve - some are stingy with the blood whilst others are 'gushers'; hey ho every day's a school days with these critters!

    1. Think I might get the vet to be teacher for this one!

  2. What do you mean your patients don't have fleece - seems to me you're always elbow-deep in the fleecey kind of patients. :)

    Love the pics - Beck Brow Testimony has quite the distinctive face. Alpacas and llamas really are just the best.

  3. Lovely line up of those beautiful babies.. Hope the DNA sample goes well ... we have awful weather here to and who ever said its a quiet life living in the country ......Jayne

  4. Looking forward to the fleece shots - and tips on how to do it!

  5. Nice to see Foxy Sox looking fully recovered. What a sweetie.

  6. Lovely weather eh?! It seems when we have lovely weather, you have wind and rain and now we have rain whilst you have the sun!

    Yes, great to see Foxy Socks is better now.
