Sunday 5 September 2010

Colour testing!

Another weekend of fantastic weather, after all the rain we had in in August it is a welcome relief. We have had a pottering weekend. Paul is off from his paid employment next week so nothing seems tooo urgent...bad move I know.. we are bound to run out of time for all the tasks. I even had time to mess about with the blog template so I though that I would try it out. Apologies for the lack of content!

I have been indulging myself with a little bonfire therapy today. Burning bales of hay...I know that sounds like madness...£5 a bale! It is however last year's hay that didn't pass quality control. It had been used as seats, cria wind breaks, serving stations (for Hoity) and various other uses and was now falling apart. We have a few sub standard bales from this year's crop to replace them. Although whenever we have the 'rejects' in reach of the alpacas they always eat away at them leaving the 'class A' in the manger. Maybe it is our standard assessment that is at fault!

We have had a weekend of visitors and visiting. Saturday and Sunday brought: family; friends; neighbours; and prospective owners to see the alpacas. We had a surprise visit this morning from friends Charlotte and Adam with baby Suzie. It was Nutmeg who decided to be the star of the show on this occasion:

Charlotte, Suzie and Nutmeg.

Last night we paid a visit to our friends Michael & Judith Henderson at Cockerham Alpacas in Lanchasire. They have some outstanding cria from both last year and this. I could easily have chosen a trailer load to bring home given the chance; but it was a fabulous dark fawn Silverstream Czar boy born June 2010 who really was the star for me. I will be watching with interest. 

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